Franklin County


Effective July 1, 2024

The Franklin County Auditor will be absorbing any responsibilities & duties previously handled by the Commissioners Secretaries.

Franklin County Auditor


The Franklin County Commissioners meet on Wednesday mornings at 10 a.m. every other week, except if a Holiday falls on a Wednesday then they will meet on Thursday  at 10 a.m., unless otherwise specified.

Franklin County Board of Commissioners

Jeff Koch – President

Gerald Wendel – Vice-President

John Heis – Commissioner

Commissioners’ Highway Districts & Responsibilities:

Gerald Wendel – District 1, Townships of Highland, Whitewater, Springfield, Bath & Fairfield. Government Center, Court House & Annex, Senior Citizen Center & Annex & Public Transportation.

John Heis,  District 2 – Townships of Metamora, Brookville & Butler. Transfer Station, Recycling Center, Small Animal Control, Security Center, and E911 Communications

Jeff Koch –  District 3, Townships of Posey, Laurel, Blooming Grove, Salt Creek & Ray. Highway Department & Gravel Pit



1010 Franklin Ave. Brookville, IN 47012

Office Phone: (765) 647-4985


For those who are concerned about conflicts between the Second Amendment Preservation Act and the Supremacy Clause we direct your attention to the following Federal Report: “Jurisdiction Over Federal Areas Within the States”

2nd Amendment Sanctuary

The Indiana Department of Homeland Security (IDHS) has a public damage reporting tool open on the internet.  

Please encourage those with damages to report on this tool. In regards to public infrastructure, damages should be reported to and documented by the local emergency management office.


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Franklin County


Franklin County Government Center

1010 Franklin Ave.
Brookville, IN 47012

Offices located in the Government Center are: Assessor, Auditor, Area Planning, Commissioners, Franklin County Economic Development, Health Department, Park and Recreation, Purdue Cooperative Extension Service, Recorder, Surveyor, Treasurer, Veteran’s Services

Franklin County Courthouse

459 Main Street
Brookville, IN 47012

Offices located in the County Courthouse are: Circuit Court Judge, Clerk, Prosecutor

Franklin County Annex Building

493 Main Street
Brookville, IN 47012

Offices located in the Annex Building are: EMA, Probation, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)

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