Guidance for Businesses Reopening After COVID-19
We’re excited to be able to phase-in business reopenings, per Governor Holcomb’s 5-step plan. We’ve pulled together information from a wide variety of sources to find the best resources for you. We hope you find this to be helpful for keeping your employees and customers safe while getting back to the “new normal”.
We highly recommend you start here, as there is a LOT of information specific to Indiana and a variety of industries, including religious services. Indiana Back On Track (Governor’s Reopening Guidance)
Click here to order FREE personal protective equipment (PPE) for your small business.
Information on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
- 10 Steps Workplaces Can Take to Reduce Risk of Exposure
- Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19
- Guidance for Specific Industries
- Environmental Services Workers and Employers
- Laboratory Workers and Employers
- Healthcare Workers and Employers
- Emergency Response Workers and Employers
- Postmortem Care Workers and Employers
- Meat and Poultry Processing
- Airline Workers and Employers
- Retail Workers and Employers in Critical and High Customer-Volume Environments
- Border Protection and Transportation Security Workers and Employers
- Correctional Facility Workers and Employers
- Solid Waste and Wastewater Management Workers and Employers
- In-Home Repair Services
- Business Travelers
Restaurants & Food Service
- Indiana Restaurant and Lodging Association COVID Info
- National Restaurant Association COVID Info and Resources
- Reopening Guidance from the National Restaurant Association
- COVID Spread Information
- COVID and Food Safety
- COVID Safety Tips for Restaurants
- Best Practices for Business Continuity
- Best Practices for Retail Food Stores, Restaurants, and Food Pick-Up/Delivery Services
- FDA Food Safety & the Coronavirus
- FDA What to Do if You Have COVID+ Employees
- FDA Enfermedad del Coronavirus (Espanol)
- CDC What Grocery and Food Workers Need to Know about COVID
Tourist Venues
Hotel and Lodging Establishments
- Indiana Restaurant and Lodging Association COVID Info
- National Restaurant Association Reopening Guidance
- AHLA Hotel Cleaning Guidelines
- Guidance for Employers to Plan & Respond to COVID
- Stop the Spread of Germs Poster from CDC
RV Parks and Campgrounds
- USDA Coronavirus General Info
- USDA Food and Nutrition Services
- USDA Coronavirus & Assistance for Farmers
- USDA Federal Rural Resource Guide
- CDC Meat & Poultry Processing Workers & Employers
Manufacturing & Industry
- 10 Travel Best Practices for Manufacturers During the COVID Pandemic
- National Assoc. of Manufacturers COVID-19 Resources
- LEAR Company Safe Work Playbook Business Reopening Plan
Hair, Nail, and Tanning Salons
Childcare Services
Religious Facilities
Medical & Health Services
- CDC General Information for Healthcare Providers
- CDC Interim Guidance for Healthcare Personnel with Potential Exposure
- American Dental Association COVID Info and Return to Work Toolkit
- National Dental Association Webinar (May 1)
- National Dental Association Coronavirus PSA
Exercise Facilities
Youth Athletic Activities
- CDC Guidance for Parks and Recreation Facilities
- Applying Risk Management to Address Coronavirus
- Youth Sports and Coronavirus Liability
Franklin County
Franklin County Government Center
1010 Franklin Ave.
Brookville, IN 47012
Offices located in the Government Center are: Assessor, Auditor, Area Planning, Commissioners, Franklin County Economic Development, Health Department, Park and Recreation, Purdue Cooperative Extension Service, Recorder, Surveyor, Treasurer, Veteran’s Services
Franklin County Courthouse
459 Main Street
Brookville, IN 47012
Offices located in the County Courthouse are: Circuit Court Judge, Clerk, Prosecutor
Franklin County Annex Building
493 Main Street
Brookville, IN 47012
Offices located in the Annex Building are: EMA, Probation, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)