Commissioner Mtg. 1/2/07 @ 9:00 a.m. in County Commissioners Room
Those present:
Louis Linkel Thomas Wilson Eric Roberts Franklin County Chief Deputy Auditor: Veronica Voelker
*Louis Linkel opens with pledge of allegiance
I. Election of President and Vice President of Commissioners
a. Thomas Wilson – makes a motion for Lou Linkel to be president
b. Eric Roberts – seconds the motion
c. Louis Linkel – Tom Wilson will be the vice president
d. Eric Roberts – seconds the motion
II. Lawsuit filed by Commissioner Elect, Don Vonder Meulen against Clerk of Court, Marlene Flaspohler
a. Marlene Flaspohler – has spoken with legal counsel from Indianapolis and wants to know if she or the Commissioners have to sign the
contract for legal fees
b. Thomas Wilson – who is paying for this?
c. Louis Linkel – the County.
d. Thomas Wilson – it’s not coming from the election fund or anything?
e. Marlene Flaspohler – there is money in the election budget but we would have to make a line item for attorney fees?
f. Eric Roberts – we have to pay for the election board’s attorney don’t we?
g. Marlene Flaspohler – they are having a meeting Wednesday night but they haven’t decided yet about legal counsel.
h. Thomas Wilson – makes a motion to allow Marlene Flaspohler to sign the contract with the attorney.
i. Marlene Flaspohler – will bring contract into Commissioners once received.
j. Louis Linkel – seconds the motion
k. Eric Roberts – all in favor
III. 2007 Appointments (yearly unless otherwise noted)
a. County attorney – Gene Stewart: commissioners ask Gene to be the county attorney again-motion
i. Gene Stewart – Happy to serve if you all will have me. Would you like for me here on Mondays?
ii. Eric Roberts – I would prefer you to.
iii. Gene Stewart – I think history has shown I am not needed the entirety of the meeting. In other counties the attorney comes in
the beginning or the end. Do you want to try something out and see how it works?
iv. Eric Roberts – I would say the first part of the meeting. That way if we know of anything, it can be addressed and if anything
comes up, you will be accessible.
v. Gene Stewart – I can touch base with Susan to get a heads up on anything that might be coming up.
vi. Thomas Wilson – motions to appoint Eugene Stewart
vii. Eric Roberts – seconds the motion
viii. Louis Linkel – all in favor
b. Area Plan Director
i. Louis Linkel – Motion to appoint Larry Franzman
ii. Thomas Wilson – Seconds the motion
iii. Eric Roberts – All in favor
c. County Highway Engineer
i. Louis Linkel – Motion to appoint George Hartman
ii. Eric Roberts – Seconds the motion
iii. Thomas Wilson – All in favor
d. Highway Foreman-District One
i. Eric Roberts – Motion to appoint Chester Ball
ii. Louis Linkel – Seconds the motion
iii. Thomas Wilson – All in favor
e. Highway Foreman-District Two
i. Louis Linkel – Motion to appoint Brian DeFossett
ii. Thomas Wilson – Seconds the motion
iii. Eric Roberts – All in favor
f. Highway Foreman-District Three
i. Thomas Wilson – Motion to appoint Dennis Shell
ii. Louis Linkel – Seconds the motion
iii. Eric Roberts – All in favor
g. Small Animal Control Officer
i. Eric Roberts – Motion to appoint Lou Fasbinder
ii. Thomas Wilson – Seconds the motion
iii. Louis Linkel – abstains
h. Transfer Station Custodian
i. Thomas Wilson – Motion to appoint Dennis “Ray” Halpin
ii. Louis Linkel – Seconds the motion
iii. Eric Roberts – All in favor
i. Veterans Service Coordinator
i. Thomas Wilson – Motion to appoint Donald Lee Mulvany
ii. Louis Linkel – Seconds the motion
iii. Eric Roberts – All in favor
j. E-911 Coordinator
i. Eric Roberts – Motion to appoint Tracy Lightfield
ii. Thomas Wilson – Seconds the motion
iii. Louis Linkel – All in favor
k. EMA Director
i. Louis Linkel – Motion to appoint Ed Hollenbach
ii. Thomas Wilson – Seconds the motion
iii. Eric Roberts – All in favor
l. Alcoholic Beverage Board
i. Eric Roberts – Motion to appoint Ronald Cooper
ii. Thomas Wilson – Seconds the motion
iii. Louis Linkel – All in favor
m. Southeastern Indiana Private Industry
i. Thomas Wilson – Motion to appoint Louis Linkel
ii. Eric Roberts – Seconds the motion
iii. Louis Linkel – All in favor
n. Southeastern Indiana Regional Planning Commission
i. Louis Linkel – Motion to appoint Larry Franzman and Susan Jones
ii. Thomas Wilson – Seconds the motion
iii. Eric Roberts – All in favor
o. Southeastern Indiana Solid Waste District
i. Eric Roberts – Motion to appoint Tom Wilson
ii. Louis Linkel – Seconds the motion
iii. Thomas Wilson – All in favor
p. Regional Economic Development Commission and Local Economic Development Commission
i. Thomas Wilson – Motion to appoint Eric Roberts
ii. Louis Linkel – Seconds the motion
iii. Eric Roberts – All in favor
q. Franklin County Health Officer (4-year term)
i. Thomas Wilson – Motion to appoint Dr. Michael Fain
ii. Eric Roberts – Seconds the motion
iii. Louis Linkel – All in favor
r. Franklin County Health Board (4-year term)
i. Louis Linkel – Motion to appoint Lindsay Jackson
ii. Thomas Wilson – Seconds the motion
iii. Eric Roberts – All in favor
iv. Louis Linkel – Motion to appoint Brenda Williams
v. Thomas Wilson – Seconds the motions
vi. Eric Roberts – All in Favor
s. Franklin County Convention, Recreation, and Visitor Commission (2-year term)
i. Lodging Representative
1. Thomas Wilson – Motion to appoint Natasha Kellerman
2. Eric Roberts – Seconds the motion
3. Louis Linkel – All in favor
ii. Metamora Representative (vacant)
iii. Restaurant Representative (vacant)
t. Area of Responsibility
i. Transfer Station/Recycling Center/Gravel Pit/Government Center
1. Louis Linkel motion to appoint Thomas Wilson
2. Eric Roberts seconds the motion
3. Thomas Wilson all in favor
ii. Courthouse/Jail/E-911/Communication/Annexes
1. Louis Linkel motion to appoint Eric Roberts
2. Eric Roberts seconds the motion
3. Thomas Wilson all in favor
iii. Highway/Senior Citizens/Public Transportation
1. Thomas Wilson motion to appoint Louis Linkel
2. Eric Roberts seconds the motion
3. Louis Linkel all in favor
iv. Cemetery Commission
1. Louis Linkel motion to appoint Ed Baker
2. Thomas Wilson seconds the motion
3. Eric Roberts – all in favor
IV. Amended the appointment term of Cemetery Commission
a. Louis Linkel motion to change term limits from four year to five year for board members (per I.C. statute)
b. Eric Roberts seconds the motion
c. Thomas Wilson – all in favor
V. Treasurers report- Nov 2006
a. Thomas Wilson – Did they figure it out?
b. Susan Jones – They did figure it out. It is balanced except for the phone bill.
c. Thomas Wilson – Gene, how do you think we should get that back from Verizon?
d. Gene Stewart – We may have to file a small claim. Is this the same matter that I have had letters from?
e. Susan Jones – Becky (Oglesby) and Carol (Monroe) have been working on this. It was deducted automatically out of the checking
account and it should have never happened.
f. Gene Stewart – If you will give me the account statement, I will send them a letter making a payment demand and if they don’t do it
we’ll file a small claim.
g. Susan Jones – Veronica can you get that to Gene?
h. Veronica Voelker – Yes, you will have to talk to Sandy (Hill) for the account statement.
i. Thomas Wilson – motions to acknowledge we have the treasurer’s report
j. Louis Linkel – seconds the motion
k. Eric Roberts- all in favor
VI. Health insurance Claims
a. Thomas Wilson – motions to approve
b. Louis Linkel – seconds the motion
c. Eric Roberts – all in favor
VII. Minutes
a. Thomas Wilson – questions minutes
b. Veronica Voelker – Carol (Monroe) wants to look at them first
c. Louis Linkel- We don’t have any minutes yet. We’re behind three sets.
d. Thomas Wilson- By our next meeting we need to have the minutes.
VIII. Awarded bid to Southeastern for Distributor
a. Louis Linkel – makes a motion to award the bid to Southeastern Equipment Company of Indianapolis $151,950.00.
b. Thomas Wilson – seconds the motion
c. Eric Roberts – all in favor
IX. Weekly Highway Engineer Report, George Hartman
a. Bridge #17/Laurel Road over West Fork of Whitewater River
i. Five span precast concrete I-Beam structure
ii. Overall condition of pier 2 and 3 (located in water) were in good condition
b. Bridge #46/Silver Creek Road over Pipe Creek
i. The structure is box beam supported by one of the bent and bents are concrete cap by the timber piles
ii. Beams 2,3, and 4 were in overall satisfactory condition above and below the water line
iii. Overall bridge condition serious due to deficiencies at abutment five
c. Bridge #55/Blue Creek Road over the Whitewater River
i. Could not do it last year, recommend we do it this year
ii. Overall piers 2,3, and 4 were reported in good condition above and below the water lines
d. Bridge #56/St. Mary’s Road over the West Fork of Whitewater River
i. Eight span continuous concrete I-beam structure supported by two end bents and seven intermediate piers
ii. Channel approximately one hundred-fifty feet wide at the bridge with maximum depth of 40 feet at pier five
iii. Overall piers in good condition
e. Bridge #144/Fairfield Causeway over Brookville Reservoir
i. Five span steel girder structure supported by two abutments and four intermediate piers
ii. Pier 2 and 3 supported and both abutments supported by spread footings
f. Bridge #164/Vine Street over Harvey Branch in Oldenburg
i. Spoke to Chad Lynch from O’Mara this morning; they are going with a new fabricator for the bridge rail.
ii. He’ll know more about the completion by the end of the week.
g. Bridge #38/St. Mary’s Road over Wolf Creek
i. Preliminary Engineering will proceed to develop contracts plans
ii. Surveyors office located the Hoosiers Hills water line on the site plan
X. Brook Hills Estates – to start 1-year warranty period for road to be incorporated into county highway system
a. Larry Franzman – Kenny was going to get with Rohe. The road is trying to break down in areas. Discusses situation with
XI. Covey Trace Lane –Letter from Dave Siefferman to start 1 year warranty period for road to be incorporated into county highway system
a. Louis Linkel motions to start one year warranty period
b. Eric Roberts – objects, don’t want any more roads
c. Thomas Wilson seconds the motion
XII. Payroll
a. Thomas Wilson – the salary ordinance is wrong, it is screwed up. Motion approve payroll, Rick Gill need to sign payroll voucher
b. Louis Linkel seconds the motion
c. Eric Roberts- all in favor
XIII. Quotes on names tags and security light for outside
a. Commissioners review and request quote
XIV. Adjourn
a. Louis Linkel – motion to adjourn
b. Thomas Wilson – seconds the motion
c. Eric Roberts all in favor
Those also present:
Susan Jones, Secretary Don Vonder Meulen Tracy Littlefield Joe Gillespie Dale Maxie Marlene Flaspohler
John Worth Gene Stewart George Hartman, Highway Engineer John Estridge, Whitewater Publications
Dennis Kolb Joe Gillespie, Jr. R. George Gillman Larry Franzman
Approved 01/16/07