Commissioner Mtg. 1/8/07 @ 9:00 a.m. in County Commissioners Room
Those present:
Louis Linkel Thomas Wilson Eric Roberts Franklin County Auditor: Carol L. Monroe
*Louis Linkel opens with pledge of allegiance
I. Conseco Insurance
a. Jay Snyder – would like to come February 7 (2007) if that is o.k. with Marilyn (Miller, Deputy Auditor)
b. Louis Linkel – requests the highway be talked to early in the morning
II. 2007 Treasurers Investments and Bank Accounts
a. Rebecca Oglesby – the three million from Bath State Bank was cashed in anticipating settlement. You have a new guy here, do you
have any questions?
b. Eric Roberts – will have more questions when I understand it a little bit
c. Rebecca Oglesby – can only invest in our local banks and are limited. If you have any questions please feel free to call me.
III. EPA Update
a. Gene Stewart – Carol (Monroe) and I had a teleconference and we provided them with more documents (believes it is the same
information but the person who received it could not decipher them)
IV. Weight limit on Elm Tree Road
a. Eric Roberts questions legality of putting a weight limit on road
b. Gene Stewart – thought maybe a few years ago we did an ordinance (county wide) on this. Maybe we didn’t do anything with it.
Recalls, it didn’t go anywhere because we cannot be uniform across the county.
c. Eric Roberts – would be hard for agriculture.
d. Thomas Wilson – we came to the conclusion that as long as they are paying road fuel tax there is nothing we can do. Maybe we can
do seasonal. Checked with farmers and they said farm equipment is exempt. Thanks gene for coming in.
V. Brackney Ditch
a. Joe Gillespie – put together a packet last week and have estimated this work is going to cost around $30,000.00. (see attached) There
is about 500 left in maintenance. Agree with David Kolb that Mike Condo needs to put in a lateral.
b. Carol L. Monroe – did Mike (Condo) agree to do that?
c. Joe Gillespie – yes. As soon as the ground is dry/firm. Everyone was in agreement with the assessment, but when they see the
VI. Wehr Ditch
a. Joe Gillespie – David Kolb cornered me and I told him I would go ahead and do that. We have been replacing sections. Tim said if
the $14,100.00 doesn’t cover it then he would carry that until we get an assessment.
VII. Andersonville
a. Joe Gillespie – the grant writers have asked for a mailing and we put that together last week
VIII. Minutes (December 11, 18, 26, 2006)
a. Louis Linkel – motion to approve minutes with correction to December 26 minutes
b. Carol L. Monroe – (I) Will reprint them
c. Eric Roberts – seconds the motion
d. Thomas Wilson – all in favor
IX. E-911 Radio System Upgrade
a. Tracy Lightfield – the consoles are failing. Last year we had seventeen service calls and the year before we had twenty-six. In the last
seven days there has been three incidences that dispatch could not hear the deputy. We need to replace what we have let alone doing
the upgrade. The state spent millions putting in the 800 system.
b. Thomas Wilson – what seems to be the problem with the radios?
c. Tracy Lightfield – when they were installed they were not the right kind of radio. When they go out it is losing the programming.
d. Louis Linkel – I am sure it is needed
e. Eric Roberts – what is your financing options
f. Marc Baumhardt – I can get you a figure on some lease rates.
g. Tracy Lightfield – my main concern is for the responders. You cannot put a price on anyone’s life or property. Last year when I
talked to Bob (Brack) he stated we had to wait until the center is paid off.
h. Thomas Wilson – we can’t pay for it out of 911 because we are paying salaries out of it. If we come up with the money how long will
it last
i. Marc Baumhardt – pretty long.
j. Thomas Wilson – everything will have a warranty for how long?
k. Marc Baumhardt – three years total (consol 1 year)
l. Thomas Wilson – during that time you will be servicing it if something goes wrong?
m. Marc Baumhardt – that would be a maintenance agreement. The factory warranty does not include someone from factory coming out.
n. Lee Kissell – on the consoles there are spare boards
o. Thomas Wilson – so there will not be any down time
p. Lee Kissell – the newer equipment seems to last a little longer. Other than a pc replacement once in a while
q. Thomas Wilson – in five years when technology changes are these upgradeable
r. Lee Kissell- the pc base now is much easier to upgrade.
s. Louis Linkel – if you could get us an up to date lease
X. Covey Trace Subdivision
a. Larry Franzman – Chester (Ball, Foreman) received a threatening email. James and Kim Buyer wanting to move into Covey Trace
subdivision. The Buyers (property owners) sent a fax to Hollie Sintz this morning saying they are going to see legal action. Reviews
all documentation with commissioners showing all proof of county following guidelines. I am looking for direction from you on how
to proceed.
b. Louis Linkel – if Chester says it needs a pipe, then it needs one. We will just have to stand our ground.
c. Larry Franzman – it is plain as day. (flip tape one)
d. Chester Ball – only asking for a twelve inch pipe. A lot of people don’t have pipes that should have. They don’t need one on the top
of the hill (Covey Trace)
e. Larry Franzman – it makes Chester’s job harder with him also trying to do road work. He has been out there twice. It is still gravel
f. (later in meeting)
g. Chester Ball – talked to contractor and he stated he had told the property owner she needed a pipe and I will be meeting with him later
XI. Permit for Metamora-Patricia Edington
a. Larry Franzman – Patricia Edington came to me asking to add on to her residence. What she would like to do-she has an existing
porch slab and wanting to add a little more to that and enclose it. I told here in most cases we have drawings, but she does not have
drawings because she wanted to know if she could go ahead if it was ok. The only thing you would be able to see is the side. This
would be a sunroom (shingled or metal).
b. Louis Linkel – the way it stand at Metamora
c. Larry Franzman – she just came to me Thursday and wanted to know if she could proceed further.
d. Thomas Wilson – what do you plan on building the sunroom out of.
e. Patricia Edington – we would try and match it to the house
f. Larry Franzman – she is adding on, she is wanting to preserve the structure
g. Patricia Edington – don’t believe it in on the historical register since there were bay windows.
h. Larry Franzman – as far as zoning goes it would not be a problem.
i. Thomas Wilson – I don’t have no problem
j. Larry Franzman – would you prefer drawings this summer before I issue permit?
k. Commissioners – yes
XII. Bond for County Recorder
a. Mary Seufert – presents bond for approval
b. Louis Linkel – motion to approve
c. Thomas Wilson – seconds the motion
d. Eric Roberts – all in favor
XIII. Weekly Highway Engineer Report, George Hartman
a. Brookhill Subdivision
i. Areas in pavement-depressions in pavement
ii. Larry Franzman – found four areas of failure and brought it to Kenny’s attention and we indicated that until that is taken care
of we won’t start the one year (probation). There is a driveway in the back that is ponding water and we told them to get a pipe
in there yesterday. It won’t be much cost to George (Gillman)
b. Big Cedar
i. Completed large concrete wall
ii. Have been at least one vehicle that has went over
iii. Looking at a rail of just over 300 feet
1. good safety measure
2. there is enough room on the shoulder
3. somewhere in the order of $1,200.00 if Commissioners want to give authority
iv. Chester Ball – we set blocks by Bridge #95. Don’t know how many cars have went in. 300 foot for (used) guardrail $700.00
and 50 post are $500.00 and they supply bolts etc., the post are 6×6.
1. Thomas Wilson – don’t see a problem as long as there is money
c. Bridge #48 / Pipe Creek Road Over Pipe Creek (alley ford steel truss)
i. Developed approach plan for both ends of bridge
1. may reduce length on west end
ii. in order to improve alignment on south end, it will be improved
iii. will save some area by reducing amount of cut, it won’t be a major change
iv. 1989 there was work done on east abutment
d. Tee Hill Road Low Water Crossing over Sanes Creek – LA-0701
i. Section of slab broken off fairly recently
ii. See photo
iii. Thomas Wilson – when it rains as much as it hasiv.
Refers to bridge #110 for an example of a fix
1. Hollie Sintz does not see where there are funds to fix it
v. There are some beams (about 12inch deep) that we could maybe use
1. have not talked to Doug (foreman) about it.
vi. Would require closing the road for a month
vii. Thomas Wilson – the section that is so bad, they busted it when they built their house
viii. If the opening is 20foot or greater then it becomes a bridge
ix. Thomas Wilson – lets put the beams in, it has to be better than what we got
e. Elm Tree Road from US 52 (Near Derbyshire Quarry)
i. Trucks out of Derbyshire are exceeding 16ton load limit
1. see photo
ii. Louis Linkel – we talked to gene about it this morning
f. Annual Funding for Historic Covered Bridges
i. Louis Linkel motion to sign
ii. Thomas Wilson – seconds the motion
iii. Eric Roberts – all in favor
g. Bridge #10 / Duck Creek Road over Duck Creek
i. Friday Brent Roberts was down.
ii. Depends on what direction the commissioners would like to go (ex: federal)
1. Thomas Wilson – we are talking four years minimum for federal
2. if you went up stream you could make a nice crossing
3. bridge would probably be 200 feet long with about 150 per square foot
a. looking at a 900thousand project
b. would need additional right of way needed
iii. there is still a little time for the fa33
iv. Eric Robert – Brent was going to get us an estimate, no since doing anything until he gets back with us
v. Louis Linkel – something needs to be done
vi. From a county standpoint you are taking a step forward
h. River Road/Long hollow road stop sign
i. Talked with Chester (Ball) and apparently there have never been stop signs on river road and asking commissioners if they
would like to make this a 3 way stop
ii. Louis Linkel – have there been any problems
iii. Eric Roberts – there was a wreck a couple years ago
iv. Louis Linkel – if it is going to prevent an accident. Lets change it to an all-way stop
i. Hazard elimination safety
i. Talked last week with Steve Dilk with INDOT. The fact the only one supplier replied with a bid-also asked another county to
fax their bids so that we may compare ours to theirs.
XIV. Albert Accidil/dangerous conditions road on St. Mary’s Road
a. Albert Accidil – Hit almost two more times since December 31. in my opinion St. Mary’s is out of control. Some kids think a license
is a license to race. I was hit twice since I moved here in 200 and have been run off of the road four times. I live on the right of way
past Shop Road. Have been trimming my yard. It is just seems to be out of control and believes 45 is much too high. You have
trucks carrying blocks. That is too fast coming out of town; real sharp corners should be 20.25mph. thinks something needs to be
b. Thomas Wilson – if you put 30mph they are still going to run 50
c. Albert Accidil – was watching last night at 8:10 where a person had to pull over
d. Louis Linkel – we can ask for a little closer watch there. Let us talk to the sheriff department.
e. Albert Accidil – would like to see the speed limit lowered. A guard rail on St. Mary’s Road would be more priority than that new
bridge for four or five people
f. Thomas Wilson – when you put a new bridge there are regulations we have to follow.
g. Louis Linkel – glad you came in and we will check it out.
h. Albert Accidil – the roads have to get wider or the speed limit has to come down.
i. Louis Linkel – we could have George (Hartman) do a study
j. Thomas Wilson – but it will not slow them down
XV. Utility Claims
a. Louis Linkel motion to approve
b. Eric Roberts – seconds the motion
c. Thomas Wilson – all in favor
XVI. Letter for Postage Meter Rental with Hasler Inc.
a. Thomas Wilson – motion to sign letter
b. Eric Roberts seconds the motion
c. Louis Linkel – all in favor
d. Susan Jones – that is included in lease price
XVII. P.A. System (quote) flip tape 2
a. Eric – move we go with this and change it to 4 lapel and 4 hand held which will change the price to 20.00 more
b. Thomas Wilson seconds the motion
c. Louis Linkel – all in favor
XVIII. Security light (quote)
a. See attached
b. Thomas Wilson = motion to take Ludwig
c. Louis Linkel – seconds the motion
d. Eric Roberts – all in favor
XIX. Flag pole at courthouse
a. Susan Jones – something on top broke so the flags were on the ground this morning
b. Louis Linkel – if it needs fixed
XX. Adjourn
a. Louis Linkel motion to adjourn
b. Eric Roberts seconds the motion
c. Thomas Wilson all in favor
Those also present:
Susan Jones, Secretary Don Vonder Meulen Diane Raver Tracy Lightfield Lee Kissell
Mark Baumhardt Gene Stewart John Estridge Joe Gillespie, Jr. Chester Ball
George Hartman Patricia Edington Albert Accidil
Approved 01/02/07